Nuclear power plant after sunset. Dusk landscape with big chimneys.

Nuclear Services

For more than 40 years, our diverse teams of industry-leading nuclear engineers, fire protection experts, and regulatory affairs and safety assessment consultants have been enhancing the safety and operational performance of complex facilities, such as nuclear power plants, chemical process facilities and hazardous material storage facilities.

Helping The Nuclear Industry Manage Risk

As the principal developers of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) methods and technology, we have established and maintained a dominant role in the use of risk and reliability techniques to ensure regulatory compliance while minimizing risks, assessing new technologies and reducing costs. Leveraging our extensive background in regulatory and licensing projects, we support all phases of small modular (SMR) and advanced reactor design development. We also support the long-term operation of existing nuclear power plants, using risk models to inform aging management programs and life extension strategies.

New + Advanced Reactors

Our world-class nuclear power plant (NPP) safety experts have significant experience in the many disciplines required to support all phases of SMR and advanced reactor design development, including preparation of a Design Certification Application and regulatory support during the Design Certification process.

Clients benefit from our extensive background and expertise in regulatory and licensing projects, technology selection, feasibility studies, and design approval processes. We have also performed detailed evaluations for fire protection, internal/external flooding, seismic engineering and probabilistic safety assessment to support the licensing of reactors. By leveraging our experience, we can help reduce overall Operation and Maintenance costs and improve plant efficiencies across all life cycle stages of the next generation of nuclear reactors.

Life Extension / Long-Term Operation (LTO)

We are a world-class team of experts with extensive experience in implementing the regulatory framework for the life extension of nuclear power plants over the past several decades. Our team of engineers performs risk-informed aging mechanism evaluations on mechanical, electrical, instruments + control (I&C), and civil-structural systems to support the long-term operation of the plants.

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

A QRA is critical to understanding existing hazards, established mitigation programs and how exposed an engineering process is to these hazards. This knowledge from these models informs risk management decisions to optimize plant performance and safety.

Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)

Our PRA methods cover the full spectrum of modes, hazards and sources – including external hazards – and can support nuclear and alternative power plants, transmission and distribution facilities as well as industrial and manufacturing operations. We are leading the industry with developing and using “living” PRAs to inform real-time processes. Our probability risk analysis uses fully-tested and proven PRA tools and techniques along with extensive libraries of historical operations and failure data to quantitatively derive the probability of occurrence of highly undesirable events or accidents to support sound decision-making.

Specialty Design + Analyses

To mitigate risk, our team can also inform electrical, mechanical, civil and fire protection engineering design. We leverage this expertise as well to present cost-effective modifications needed to meet PRA and QRA required outcomes.

Regulatory Compliance

Acceptability hinges on regulatory and code compliance. Our team of experts have an in-depth knowledge of applicable codes and regulations and can help with evaluations, equivalency calculations and variances, licenses and license transitions as well as assistance with the preparation for and third-party review of audits and assessments for fire protection and safe shutdown programs. We can also provide licensing services for safety analysis, design engineering, plant operations, human factors, technology evaluation and selection, and trade-off studies.

Committed Participants and

Leaders in the Industry

Over the past four decades our engineers have contributed to research and development as principal and contributing authors to over 120 publications including the International Atomic Energy Agency, Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Nuclear Energy Agency, BWR Owners Group (BWROG), PWR Owners Group (PWROG), CANDU Owners Group, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

Our engineers have helped shape industry and regulatory policies by being active in industry groups charged with the development of guidance, technical standards, research & development, and testing. Our involvement has included:

  • Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI); Members of Technical Committees and Task Forces:
  • EPRI MAAP Users Group
  • ASME/ANS Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (JCNRM)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Committees (e.g., SSGs, Safety Reports, TECDOCs)
  • 皇家88娱乐 Nuclear Industry Council
  • Various NFPA Codes and Standards
  • Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS)
  • CANDU Owners Group (COG)
  • Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI)
  • China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
  • Various American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Codes and Standards


Hunter Young

Senior Structural Engineer + Practice Leader for Energy + Utilities


BS, Civil Engineering, ME, Civil + Environmental Engineering

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Davide Mercurio

Regional Director, Energy + Utilities

Helsinki - Finland

PhD in Mechanical and Process Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), MS in Nuclear Engineering, BS in Nuclear Engineering

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PhD, Nuclear Materials, MSc, Chemical and Process Engineering, ERASM皇家88娱乐 student, Nuclear Engineering & Nuclear Chemistry, BSc, Process and Materials Engineering

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Chloe Howard

Nuclear Engineer

Glasgow - Scotland

MEng, Chemical Engineering First Class, Associate Member, General Certificate, Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ)

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BS, Civil Engineering, MS, Civil Engineering, Doctor of Structural Engineering

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, B.S., Electrical Engineering

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Bruce Campbell

Vice President, DOE Market Leader


BS, Fire Protection/Industrial Safety, Certified Fire Suppression System Inspector, DOE "Q" Security Clearance, e-RAILSAFE Security Clearance, HAZWOPER, 24 hour, Radiological Worker I (INL) and II (Hanford), 10-hour OSHA Card, NRC U Security Clearance

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Juho Helander

Senior Program Manager, Nuclear Safety

Helsinki - Finland

Master of Science (Tech), Applied Mathematics, Nuclear Engineering, Business

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Franscisco Joglar

Manager, Fire Risk Assessment


PhD, Reliability Engineering, M.S., Fire Protection Engineering, BS, Industrial Engineering, Licensed PE: VA

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Topi Julin

Fire Safety Engineer

Helsinki - Finland

PhD, Doctor of Science, Fire Safety Engineering, M.Sc. Applied Mathematics

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Kursat Kinali

Senior Structural Engineer


PhD, Structural Engineering, MS, Structural Engineering, Licensed PE: AL, AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, NE, NM, NV, SC, TN, UT

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Todd Radford

Senior Structural Engineer


BSE, Civil Engineering, MS, Civil + Environmental Engineering, Doctor of Civil + Environmental Engineering, Registered PE: CT, DC, MA, MD, ME, NH, NC, PA, VA

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B.S., Civil Engineering, Licensed PE: TX

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